Mr. Nurjali

Muhammad Said Ridwanullah

Faculty of Letter
Department of English Literature
Balikpapan University


A. Background
A mother gave a wise message to her child who  got physical disabilities, "My son, you were not in the middle of a people but you had become a mockery and ridicule to them. Therefore, search the knowledge, because knowledge will lift your value up". The message of the mother did not missed, because of several years later, the child who were no one but Muhammad bin Abdurrahman Al-Auqash had been a judge in Mecca for twenty years.
The mother did not say something wrong, because that is the reality. Science did make a noble man. Science is keeping its owner, said Ali bin Abi Thalib  Radhiyallahu Anhu. Or as a close friend the way someone feels alone. It will be the close friend at the time of loneliness. It will be a guide at the affluent situation, and be going to be defense at the time of suffering. Knowledge is the prime minister when someone in the middle of close friends, and will be the closest friend when in the middle of strangers. Science is pointing the way to the heaven.
With the knowledge God lifts up the communities and then God will make them as leaders in terms of good and as a role model for other people. They are pointing to the goodness. Assessed and followed in their footsteps.

B. Problem
 In accordance with the title raised in this paper is "The Value of Knowledge", then the issue will be discussed in this paper are the values ​​that must be known as science degree lifter people who have it.

C. Problem Formulation
Based on the above problem, then the problem can be formulated as follows:
1. How testimony of Allah and the Messenger Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam to the people who have and keep the knowledge?
2. What are the virtues of science, its glory, and how the relationship of knowledge to the perfection and glory of Almighty God-given, to those who study it?

D. Purpose of Writing
Based on the above formulation of the problem, it can be stated purpose of writing this paper as follows:
1. To fulfill the duties of religion courses at the University of Balikpapan majoring in English literature.
2. As a reminder to readers how important it  is to get the knowledge.

E. Benefits of Issues
Based on the purpose of writing the above, God willing can take advantage of the writing of this paper is such that the reader will be excited again in search of knowledge, studying it, and teach it to the others.


A.  Testimony of Allah and Prophet Muhammad Against knowledgeable people.?
In the Al-Quran Allah Ta’ala says, “Allah witnesses that there is no deity except Him, and so do the angels and those of knowledge – (that He is) maintaining (creation) in justice. There is no deity except Him, the Exalted in Might, the Wise.” (QS. Ali Imran : 18).
In the above verse, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to ask the people of knowledge to testify to something very great benefit given the testimony, the oneness of Allah Ta'ala. It can be seen from his words that say, “Allah witnesses that there is no deity except Him, and [so do] the angels and those of knowledge – (that He is) maintaining (creation) in justice.” This shows the virtue of knowledge of the people of knowledge for several reasons, including:
First, they were asked by Allah the Almighty to witness the unity of His people who are knowledgeable, and not a group of people to another.
Second, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala combines testimonies of magicians with his testimony.
Third, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala combines testimonies of people knowledgeable with the testimony of his angels.
Fourth, in addition to the above verse Allah contains recommendations concerning the sanctity of the people knowledge, and justice. Only those fair alone is required by God. The evidence is derived from the famous atsar Prophet Muhammad Sallallaahu Alaihi wa Sallam, "Science is in every generation is brought by people fair. They dispose of science is distorted radical people (exaggeration), plagiarism (plagiarism) liars, and takwil of fools. "
In other cases, Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Ya'qub ibn Syaibah said,[1] "I've seen someone complain others to judge to Ismail ibn Ishaq and accuse him something. Ismail ibn Ishaq asked the truth of the charges to the defendant, but the defendant refused the charges against him. Ismail ibn Ishaq said to the defendant, 'Do you have any proof? "The defendant replied," Yes. Si A and Si B. 'Ismail ibn Ishaq said,' Person A is included witnesses, while the Si B does not. 'Isma'il ibn Ishaq said to the defendant,' Are you able to introduce each of your witnesses to the judge? 'The defendant replied,' Yes ! 'Judge Ismail ibn Ishaq said,' With what you introduce it? 'The defendant said,' By the writing hadith. 'Isma'il ibn Ishaq said,' How can you recognize it in writing hadith? 'The defendant said,' I do not know him but the good- okay. 'said defendants further,' Verily the Prophet Muhammad Sallallaahu Alaihi wa Sallam said, 'Science is in every generation is brought by knowledgeable people from that generation. "Therefore, people who are considered fair by the Prophet Muhammad Sallallaahu Alaihi wa Sallam is more important than the person you think is fair!' Isma'il ibn Ishaq said, ‘Immediately go to Si B, because I have received the testimony.'"
Fifth, God give a spesial adjective to them as people who are knowledgeable. This shows that science is for them, and that they are the owners of the science, and science friends.
Sixth, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala asks Himself as "the greatest witness" to testify, then ask his best creature to testify, that the Angels, and the men of knowledge among His servants. This is sufficient as evidence of the primacy of the magicians and their glory.
Seventh, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala asking knowledgeable people to testify against the greatest thing to be given the testimony, the noblest, and most, ie testify that none has the right to be worshiped but Him alone. Indeed Greatest Essence was just asking leaders to testify against creatures of something great.
Eighth, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala make people knowledgeable testimony as evidence the dissidents. The magicians were equivalent to the arguments of God, His verses and His evidence indicating the oneness of Him.
Ninth, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala menunggalkan action containing testimony from Him, His angels, and knowledgeable people. He did not combine their testimony with the testimony of his other actions. This shows the close relationship between his testimony with the testimony of knowledgeable people. As if witnessing the Unity of God Himself with their mouths and make them utter the testimony.
Tenth, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala make knowledgeable people fulfill His rights over His servants with this testimony. If they fulfill the rights of Allah, they are automatically fulfilled to which the rights of God. Thus, the rights to which the fixed by Allah. Therefore, all men without exception shall acknowledge Allah Ta'ala. That was the peak of their happiness in this world and in the hereafter. Anyone get a clue because their testimony and recognize God as their witness, they get a reward for reward those who follow them.
Here's some of the great gift that the weight value is not known to anyone except by Allah. Similarly, those who testify as witness testimony, then they get a reward for reward those who testify as their witness.
In another verse Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala testify with knowledgeable people and swear with them about the truth of what Allah revealed to His Messenger. Allah Ta'ala says,
"So why I seek a judge other than Allah, when He is the one who has lowered the Book (Al-Quran) to you with the details? The people that we have to bring them the Book know that Al-Quran was sent down from the Lord the truth, so be not occasionally including those who doubt. "(Surat al-An'am: 114).
  Among the well-known rule of the knowledgeable people, they are saying, "These tools have laws such as the destination." And that, in accordance with these rules, studying the same as fighting in Allah, the question is, is there a jihad after the science?
Imam Al-Haafiz Ya'qub ibn Sufyan al-Fasawi in his book At-Tarikh wa ma'rifah narrated with isnaad from Abu Darda Radhiyallahu Anhu, who said, "Nor day someone went to the mosque for the benefit to be learned or taught but the reward is written for him as reward mujahid. He did not come home in a state but he got the spoils of war. "
The meaning of the above is extracted from the words of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallaahu Alaihi wa Sallam narrated by Anas ibn Malik Radhiyallahu Anhu reported that the Prophet Muhammad Sallallaahu Alaihi wa Sallam said,
"Whoever is out to seek knowledge, then he is in the way of Allah until he gets home." (Reported by At-Tirmidhi and Ath-Thabrani).
Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyyah said in his book that captivates Miftahu daari As-Sa'adah vol I page 273, "Demand in the way God made ​​science, because science is a pillar of Islam and a pillar of Islam is jihad. So the pillars of science and religion is jihad. "
It is also claimed that the Prophet prayed radiant who heard his saying, understand it, and teach it to others. At-Tirmidhi and others narrated the hadith of Abdullah ibn Mas'ud ra of the Prophet Muhammad, who said,
"Allah make radiant the hearing sabdaku, then understand it, memorize it, and present it to others. It could be carriers of knowledge that go to people who are smarter it. Three things that do not make envious hearts of the Muslims; to be sincere to deed for God, advising the leaders of the Muslims, and commitment in their congregation. Indeed prayer covering from behind them.

B. The association with the glory of science and the perfection of Allah Given To the People Who Learn it.
In the Qur'an, Allah Ta'ala describes the degree elevation knowledgeable people and believers in particular. Allah Ta'ala says,
"O you who believe in Allah, when it is said to you, 'charitable-lapanglah in the majlis,' Exert then Allah will give spaciousness to you, and when it is said, 'Get up you guys,' then Allah will exalt stand those who believe between you and those who are given knowledge to some degree, and Allah is Aware of what you are doing. "(Al-Mujadilah: 11).
And in another verse Allah commands the believers to deepen their religious learning. Allah says,
"It is fitting for those who went all believers (to war). Why not get away from each faction among them some people to deepen their knowledge of the religion and to warn their people when they have been returned to him, so that they can keep him. "(Surat At-Tawbah: 122).
It also indicates that God does not allow believers to go all fight but there must be others whom are going to study, and to be counsel for some of the others.
In another narration, the Prophet explains in His hadith that God gives advantages to those knowledgeable of experts worship. At-Tirmidhi said, that tells us that Muhammad bin Abdul A'la said, that told us Slamah bin Raja 'who said, that told us Al Walid bin Jamil, who said, that told us from Abu Al-Qasim Umamah Al-Bahili who said that the Messenger of Allah Rasulullah Alaihi wa Sallam told two people: one person knowledgeable and expert of worship, then the Prophet Muhammad Sallallaahu Alaihi wa Sallam said,
"The advantages of the knowledgeable people, the experts worship is like kelebihanku upon you." Prophet Muhammad Sallallaahu Alaihi wa Sallam said again, "Verily Allah, His angels, the inhabitants of the heavens, the inhabitants of the earth, until the ants burrow, and to whales at sea certainly pray the people who teach kindness to man. "(Reported by At-Tirmidhi).
 At-Tirmidhi said, "The above hadith hasan hadeeth Gharib. I heard Abu Ammar al-Husayn ibn al-Khuzai Huraits say that I heard al-Fudhail bin Iyadh said, 'Ulama who apply their knowledge and teach it to the otherd will be called as great in the kingdom of heaven. "
Muslim narrated in his Saheeh from Abu Hurairah RA, who said that the Messenger of Allah said,
"Those who pass this way, in which, he is seeking knowledge, Allah makes it easy for him the way to heaven." (HR. Muslim).


A.       Request Additional Science
Allaah commanded His Prophet to ask for additional kepad his knowledge. Allah says,
"Almighty God is the King who Actually the truth, and do not be in haste to read the Quran before mewahyukannya refined thee, and say, 'O my Lord, add science to me.'" (Surah Taha: 114).
Suffice glory of science that Allah commanded His Prophet to ask him additional knowledge.

B.       That science is to be thankful for Favors
Almighty Allah reminds His servants who believe in His favors, ordering them grateful, and remember him who have done good to them by giving favors to them. Allah Ta'ala says,
“Just as We sent to you a messenger from among you, who recites Our revelations to you, and purifies you, and teaches you the Book and wisdom, and teaches you what you did not know.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 151)

C.       To the envy of Science
Mentioned in Saheeh Al-Bukhari and Saheeh Muslim from the hadeeth of Ibn Mas'ud RA who said that the Messenger of Allah said,
"Do not be envious except for two people; those who are given gifts by God and then he used it in the truth, and those who were given God's wisdom then he decided (case), with it and teach it." (Narrated by Muslim).
In the above hadith, the Prophet explained, that one should not feel envious of others, except in one of the two properties, which do good to people with knowledge or wealth. nSelain on both the nature of jealousy is not allowed because of the lack of perceived benefits to be human.

D.      Getting The Science With Learning
Ibn Mas'ud RA said, "Let your cares before the science is lifted. She picked up the science is the death of the scholars. By the One whose soul is in the hands of his, surely those who are slain in Allah's way as the martyrs' God wants resurrected as clergy because they see the glory that is the cleric. Surely he was not born as a man of learning, but the learning of science. "

E.       Putting Science Syari'i as Priority
Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam put the people who has knowledge in the strategic position of the most religious and the most noble. He is a person because of his knowledge precedence over others.
Muslim narrated in his Saheeh hadith of Abu Mas'ud al-Badri of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam who said,
"The right to lead the people (congregation) who is most Qari’ '(memorized) the Book of Allah. If their qira'ah are the same together, then who among those who best know the Sunnah. If the same understanding of the Sunnah, then who among those most used to convert to Islam or the old. "(Narrated by Muslim).
In the hadith above, for the priesthood the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam prioritize aspects of science than seniority converted to Islam and moved. Because knowledge of the Quran more precious than knowledge of the Sunnah, then the knowledge of the Quran precedence. Then the knowledge of the Sunnah would take precedence over emigration. He put forward the scientific seniority later deeds, and in favor of people because of their knowledge over others. It shows the glory and virtues of science, and that the knowledgeable people, the right to occupy positions of high religious.


A.       Conclusion
Based on the explanation above, the matter can be taken multiple conclusions, that science is something that is very precious in the sight of Allah Ta'ala, and because that's the glory of God also glorifies the people of knowledge. Science is also a gift of God for man to be grateful, to learn it, practice it, and teach it to others. Science is also a way of salvation, as well as the road to happiness. People who go in search of knowledge, Allah will ease for him the way to heaven. Perfection is achieved by science, he is also a cure for heart disease. And the glory of science is seen and expressed themselves by Allah Almighty and Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

B. suggestion
As a Muslim who believes that Allah alone is God worthy of worship, the most important task is to worship Allah Ta'ala. In this case, the service of the demands of science itself. So with all my heart the authors suggest to yourself and also to keep the spirit of the readers and do not easily discouraged in the pursuit of knowledge that have been propagated God on this earth. As a form of obedience to God Almighty and also to the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam as prophets sent by God.


Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadith

Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauziyah. 1999. Buah Ilmu. Pustaka Azzam. Jakarta.

[1] Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauziyah, Buah Ilmu, hlm. 4

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